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Willon Buckmyre

Registered Massage Therapist

Willon is passionate about the process of human healing and how we can be active components of it.  Prior to becoming a Registered Massage Therapist, he completed his undergrad in Kinesiology with Honors at York University. This is where he developed an interest in the human body and how the physical, mental, and even spiritual aspects can determine how well a body functions and heals.

During his time at York, he got his personal training certificate from Canfitpro, and has been training clients to help them reach their goals safely and effectively for the past three years. He believes that his background helps him understand the dimensions of health, making his treatments for clients effective, enjoyable, and safe.

In his personal time, Willon loves to work out, play soccer, and learn spanish. 

Willon Buckmyre
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